Tuesday, November 12, 2019

MoMa Museum Visit

Two modern art styles that was shown in the MoMa was Pop Art and Abstract Expressionism. Pop Art came about Post war. Pop art was representational Art , and artist would just paint things how they see it. Pop Art started in the United States in the mid 1900's. Pop Art was a way that artist were putting a twist on fine art. Pop Art had more everyday objects in the art work such as cans, newspaper, etc. Two of the famous artworks that were pop art was done by Andy Warhol and those are the Campbell soup and the Marilyn Monroe. 
Abstract expressionism is also know as action painting. In most abstract paintings you can imagine how the artist did the painting. You can imagine the physical actions that the artist was doing to get all sorts of lines in the painting. For example there was a painting that was done by Jackson Pollock and it had all sorts of lines of different colors and that was the whole painting. He did what he called a “drip” technique and it was when he was throwing paint onto the canvas using all different sorts of actions with his arms.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Selina- OK, but I think your definition of Pop Art needs to be expanded- it is not just representational- please review the qualities of this style in your lecture notes and in the ArtForms text and do a revision.
    Prof Harmon
